Cody's Personal Space!

Music Is Vibration.

Posted on: August 8, 2023

What alot of people don't realize/know is that all music is vibration. We all are affected by vibration. For Example:

If you were to listen to a song that you love but randomly feel that you sink deeper and deeper into negative thoughts or feelings, it is because of the vibrations in the song.

The Music that we listen to doesn't always match our vibration, therefore we might feel sad or depressed. Don't wake yourself up with death metal unless you ACTUALLY feel good!

There's a lie that goes around saying that metal can release anger and while that is true, if you listen to it while angry it might just boost it. There's a difference between listening to it to relax and listening to it while angry.

I hope you all have a good day.

Cheers -Cody (Founder of Death Archive)

Found this killer band by Chuck!

Posted on: August 9, 2023

Hey dudes, I just rediscovered the french metal band sortilege. I knew that they existed before but damn they go hard.

The first track "Amazone" on the Sortilege EP is where the evil dead intro riffs inspiration is from :D

Have a good day! -Cody-Dakota!

Sortilege EP 1983